jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

StarDrive 2: Trainer +4 v1.4 (07.02.2017) {CheatHappens.com}

Using this Trainer: Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu. Listen for "Activated". Press desired option key Options in Promo: Numpad 3: Mega Food Options: Numpad 1: Mega Credits Numpad 2: Mega Research Points Numpad 3: Mega Food Numpad 4: Mega Command Points Notes: Numpad 1: Mega Credits - toggle on for massive money Numpad 2: Mega Research Points - toggle on for massive research. Numpad 3: Mega Food - toggle on for massive food. Numpad 4: Mega Command Points - toggle on for massive command points. Unlock more trainer options including updates from here - StarDrive 2 Trainer Short Documentaries

File Size: 607.6 Kb



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